If you are up to a top notch mystery and suspense movie this summer, Super 8 will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story is dated in 1979 and takes off quickly with a group of friends experimenting with a camera in their quiet hometown. Suddenly, disaster strikes with a fatal train crash caught on film and the teens believe the rail catastrophe was no accident. Tricky plot twists keep the story moving forward like a Bullet Train for a white knuckling ride as the friends investigate and dig up their own evidence as to the cause of the train wreck. Super 8 was written and directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg. Super 8 stars Joel Courtney, Jessica Tuck, Joel McKinnon Miller, Ryan Lee, Zach Mills and Riley Griffiths. Super 8 is rated PG-13 for high caliber tension and makes a great date night movie or a thrill ride film for a solo night out at the cinema. If you are a mystery solver and like to figure out a movie’s plot, good luck with Super 8. Artfully written and slickly executed, this is one adrenaline pumping mystery that may stump you.