This cute and quirky movie centers around the adventures of a 3rd grade girl determined to have the summer fun of her life. Judy Moody makes a pack with her friends to rack up the most daring things to do and earn points for the most creative and cut loose adventures at summer camp. This inventive kid’s movie also brings some valuable lesson learning through comedy with a redemptive big finish at the end. Ideal for kids of most ages, Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer is a feel-good action comedy that children can identify with. Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer was directed by John Schultz and presents an energetic cast starring Jordana Beatty, Heather Graham, Preston Baily, Parris Mosteller, Kristoffer Ryan Winters, Garrett Ryan and more. Two thumbs-up for family fun, Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer is going to make you laugh.